It’s About …

by TerryLema

A couple weeks ago a lovely couple from Christian Faith Center (CFC) Caldwell campus came to The Way Middleton. They came to share their experiences with joining CFC, hoping to make our path easier. It was thought that hearing from someone who was on the other side of the transition would be helpful.

What I heard from them was such delight and enthusiasm for touching the lost, for salvations, for people bound by addictions being set free. They were thrilled at the number of commitments and baptisms they were experiencing. As I listened, I realized that I needed to repent. While I anticipated hearing something about the transition, what I heard was, “It’s not about us!”

It’s not about the changes that will be made to the log cabin building.

It’s not about the changes that will be made to the kitchen or the children’s church or the office or the music or the media.

It’s not about my comfort level.

It’s about the lost souls in Middleton.

It’s about people bound in addictions being set free.

It’s about the people who have never known Christ Jesus as anything but profanity finding a loving Savior.

Insisting on remaining in any comfortable church, among just the people we have been with for so long, would eliminate any opportunity for others to come to Christ.

Father, if that viewpoint ever excluded a lost soul from our midst, forgive me. Amen.

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