It Will Not Last Forever

by TerryLema

Ps 118:24:  This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. [HCSB]

“This is the day.”  Commentators say this means that we are living in the day or time of salvation and that this day will continue until the Second Coming of our Redeemer and LORD.  God gives us this period of time to respond to His call to return to Him, but it will not last forever.

The full passage reads, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This came from the Lord; it is wonderful in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” [Ps 118:22-24 HCSB]

The stone that was rejected, of course, is Jesus the Messiah.  He is the foundation and the capstone of salvation.  We rejoice and are glad in Him.

Yet, this day in time, this March 27, 2022, is also an actual day that the Lord has made.  It is contained within God’s time of salvation.  It is ours to live out, to enjoy, to celebrate, to worship and to praise Him.

We don’t know what it will hold for us.  Perhaps it will be a day of routine, predictable and unchanging from the day before.  Perhaps it will be a day of discovery or contain sorrows or joys unexpected.  Whatever this day holds, it is ours.  We have it in the moment, but it will pass and come to a close.  We need to find time on this March 27, 2022, to be glad and rejoice.  We may not have another.

And just as this actual day on the calendar will come to a close, so will God’s Day of Salvation.  We must remind people to seize the opportunity to return to God, there may not be another day to do so.

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