If you have a Bible that prints the words of our Lord Jesus in red, you will notice that Luke 12 is almost all red. A large crowd had gathered around Jesus and He took the opportunity to teach. He warned them about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and spoke to them about acknowledging Him before men. He told them a parable about a rich man who arrogantly built bigger barns and reminded them to consider the lilies and remember how much God cared for them.
Then he spoke to them of servants who are watchful for the return of their master. “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” [vs40 NIV]
We know, of course, that Jesus was referring to His Second Coming – but as I read it last Saturday I thought we would not be off base if we applied this Scripture to our churches today.
How often as we go to church do we go “ready?” Ready for the Lord Jesus to come into our midst as we are gathered in His name. Do we go expecting Him to meet us there? Do we expect to see the miracle-working Lord touching our lives with healing and restoration? Or do we expect nothing – just more of the same routine.
We pray and cry out for a move of God in our midst; we yearn for revival in our churches. But do we really expect it to happen? Jesus said that “it will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready.” [v38 NIV]
Maybe it’s time to make ourselves ready for the Son of Man to come and walk the aisles of our churches and “revive us, again!” Even so, come Lord Jesus! Amen.