It Remains

by TerryLema

Recently I went to a church in Boise for the first time. I have known the pastor for a while, but never been to Sunday service. The service opened with a reading from Psalm 103 that declares God’s love for us.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and rich in faithful love…. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His faithful love…. But from eternity to eternity, the LORD’s faithful love is toward those who fear Him. [Psalm 103:8, 11, 17 HCSB]

One of the worship songs was “One Thing Remains.” That one thing, the song reminds us, is God’s love. As the chorus says, “ [God’s] love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.”

I needed that reminder. Do you?

Too often we impose our attributes on God instead of allowing God to impress His attributes on us. Because we fail and give up on ourselves at times, we think God gives us on us also. Oh, we know with our heads that God will never run out on us, but our hearts experience something far different. Our ears too often bend to the message the enemy of our soul likes to promote – “how can God love you when you …?”

1 John 4:8 declares that “God is love,” and throughout Scripture God and His love are described as “faithful.”  God’s love never fails us, He is compassionate and gracious to us. God’s love never gives us on us, He is slow to anger and rich in faithful love. God’s love never runs out, from eternity to eternity He loves us.

That is the message we need to be reminded of each day and to remember always.

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