It only costs …

by TerryLema

I was invited to become part of a group of pastors (online), sponsored by a well-known church leader who pastors a large church. The fancy invitation told me that I would find all kinds of resources to help me as a pastor. I liked the idea of resources, so I joined.

I then went online and found all the things available to me. Most cost money. There were a few freebies, but they were pretty much subject lists and some other things that really wouldn’t classify as much of a resource.  I did order one set of information, came to almost $30 with taxes and shipping costs. After that, I decided to email their customer service.

I think I was quite tactful, explaining that I appreciated having these kinds of resources available, but wondered if there were scholarships available. I explained that I was a pastor of a small rural church, the very kind of pastor these resources would help, but didn’t have much in the way of finances either personally or through the church.

I received a nice email back from customer service that provided a link to the “free” resources they could offer me. That link took me to five “free” audible sermons given by this famous pastor, one from 1998.

I must admit to disappointment. I must admit my initial thoughts traveled along the “this is just another way to make money” theme, but then I realized that I cannot judge another person’s motivation.  Perhaps there is a real desire there to help pastors. Unfortunately, the prohibitive costs eliminated the very people that need the help most.

Then I remembered and thanked my Savior – I abundantly thanked Him for giving freely“Freely you have received, freely give.”  [Matt 10:8 NIV]

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