Phil 1:29: “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him.”
We should probably read that again. And as you do, take note of two words, “granted” and “suffer.” It has been “granted” to us the favor of believing on Christ Jesus … and the favor of suffering for Him.
The word “granted” is charizomai. It means to grant as a favor or kindness. I relish the favor of believing … I’m not sure I relish the favor of suffering!
Yet, who am I to think that I will escape suffering for Christ Jesus when followers have been suffering for Him down through the centuries and are now suffering for Him in many places around the world. (Just this past Resurrection Sunday saw the bombing of churches in Sri Lanka and the martyrdom of many people.) So far, in our country, we have had to mainly endure a bit of scorn as the norm and martyrdom or church destruction for now is the exception rather than the rule.
That may change one day and become the norm rather than the exception. Am I ready if it does? Will I view it as Paul did, as a favor or kindness that has been granted me on behalf of Christ. I pray for courage if that time should come in my lifetime, and I pray for courage if it should come in the lifetime of my children and grandchildren.
I’m not sure why I thought of this today. Perhaps it was the news I read. Maybe that new book I’m reading about whether there is a pre-trib rapture. Maybe it was the remembrance of Good Friday and the study of the sufferings of Christ I did last week. Maybe it was just the musings of an old woman.
“For it has been granted unto you ….”