I’m not sure where the stock market is now. I know it took a big dip one day before we left for California (and another just this week). I didn’t watch or read much of anything while we were away, so not sure if it “recovered.” I have very little interest in trading investments anyway.
I have a great interest, however, in “investing.” 1 Timothy 6 reminds us to do good, to be rich in good deeds, generous and willing to share. It says that when we do this, we will “lay up treasure for [ourselves] as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that [we] may take hold of the life that is truly life.” [v 18-19]
Jesus was also quite clear that we are not to “store up for [ourselves] treasures on earth …. But store up for [ourselves] treasures in heaven.” [Matt 6:19-20]
I watched that in action this past week. I watched many men standing in the sun on hot days working with young boys and young men. I watched these men “investing” themselves into the lives of others, giving up their time and energy, maybe even their own wants and desires, in order to create godly character in children. My son and daughter-in-law have done that not just with their own two boys but others as well. I am so proud of the sacrifices they have made as they have given over much of their lives to molding godly character in the lives of many boys and girls, young men and young women.
When we get to heaven, our treasures will be standing with us, and speaking to us. “I’m here because you shared Christ with me … because you prayed for me … because you stood in the gap when I was struggling … because you walked with me when I was in crisis … because you molded my character like unto Christ’s.”