I usually start my Bible Reading plan on January 1 with Genesis, Psalms, and Matthew. Today I started with Ephesians.
When I read Ephesians, I usually notice words like redemption, predestined according to, heavenly realms, spiritual blessing, adopted as his sons, etc. This time as I read, different words caught my attention, such as the phrase in 1:13, “and you also were included …” [NIV]
Paul had begun the paragraph by stating, “In him [Christ] we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.” [vs 11-12 NIV]
Whew! The depth and grandeur of that statement leaves one breathless. But then he says simply, “And you also were included in Christ.”
Included in Christ. What a wonderful thought to realize that we are included in Christ, just as Paul, and the other Apostles, and those who were touched and healed by Jesus, and those who sat at his feet and heard His words. We too, are included.
It is awesome to realize that I am included in Christ, in His body, as part of His family – for all eternity – and to know the blessings eternal that are included in that small phrase.