In the Day of Trouble

by TerryLema

We have a large bird feeder in our backyard, right next to thick evergreen trees. Every winter the little birds make their home in those trees. They’ll sit on the outside branches in the sunshine and disappear deep into the trees’ cover when the weather is bad or during the night. Periodically, they’ll come out to feed. They know Bob especially and will simply sit and watch as he goes out during the day to fill the feeder and scatter seed on the barren ground that in the summer will be our garden. They get their fill and seem willing to share with the doves who come in the morning and evening for their meals.

There is often an unwelcome guest that comes. A hawk has noticed the birds and comes to sit on our fence in the winter hoping to also devour a meal. The first time that happened the birds scattered and didn’t return for days. They seem to have discovered lately that if they remain deep in the shelter of the trees, the hawk cannot reach them. While the hawk is there, they simply stay quiet and secure in their shelter.

I love watching those little birds. They teach me so many lessons. When I see the hawk and know that the little birds are quiet and secure deep in those trees, I remind myself of where I need to stay when the enemy of my soul comes looking to devour.

“For in the day of trouble (when that old predator comes calling), God will keep me safe in His dwelling, He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle.” Psalm 27:5

I don’t need to be anxious or afraid. I don’t need to run away. I need to draw closer, deeper, into the covering of God’s Presence. I am safe there.

Praise His Glorious Name. Amen!

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