I’ll play my drum for Him …

by TerryLema

I always get to church early on Sunday. I turn on the lights, set up coffee and the sound/projection equipment. I usually turn on some pre-service music and then I walk around and pray for about an hour until the worship team arrives to go over that morning’s music. Once December arrived, I started listening to Christmas music.

One of the songs on the CDs was Josh Groban singing “The Little Drummer Boy.” I’m singing along and suddenly I’m chuckling thinking that the last thing an exhausted new mother needs is somebody playing a drum for her new baby!

“pa rum pum pum pum.” That phrase is repeat 21 times in that song and after a while it becomes almost like a heartbeat.  It is so prevalent, we can miss the actual words of the song.

“Our finest gifts we bring to lay before the King…I have no gift to bring that’s fit to give the King….I played my drum for Him…I played my best for Him.”

Ah, like that little drummer boy, we, too, have no worthy gifts to give the King of Kings. In fact, He is the giver of all worthiness and good.  All we can bring is our own heartbeats, our lives. We can only take what we are, our drums, our humble talents, and play the very best we can to honor Him.

Father, how true it is that I have nothing worthy to offer.  So I offer the only thing I have, my life. I determine to do the very best I can and bring honor to Your Son who gave it all for me. Amen.

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