I Will Speak

by TerryLema

I spent much of August in the Psalms. I so enjoyed it, I think I just might spend September in that book also.  This morning I was in Psalm 145, which is a song praising God’s greatness. It is identified as a hymn of David. Listen to verses 3-6 from the Christian Standard Bible.  “The LORD is great and is highly praised, his greatness is unsearchable. One generation will declare your works to the next and will proclaim your mighty acts. I will speak of your splendor and glorious majesty and your wondrous works. They will proclaim the power of your awe-inspiring acts, and I will declare your greatness.”  

Read the whole song today and as you do notice the way David goes from “they” to “I” over and over. In the verses above, it is “One generation will declare” and “I will speak.” Then it is, “They will proclaim” and “I will declare.”

The LORD, YHWH, Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God is great! He is to be praised. He is to be praised corporately and He is to be praised individually. The onus is on both “them” and “me.”

There is power when I declare the testimony of God to others. It encourages and strengthens “them” to hear my proclamation of God’s mighty acts especially during the times when my life is difficult. And “I” am also encouraged by the testimony of others when I see them going through difficult trials yet hear them speak of the power of God’s awe-inspiring acts.

The praise of God’s greatness is the common ground for encouragement and building each other up in the Lord.

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