I Want to Fix It!

by TerryLema

1 Peter 1:6-7:  You rejoice in this, though now for a short time you have had to struggle in various trials so that the genuineness of your faith—more valuable than gold, which perishes though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. [HCSB]

Right now, I know many people who are enduring “various trials.”  Part of my heart wants to simply fix everything. I want to make everything right.  I think all of us think that way when we see people struggling through difficulties.

But fixing everything is not always the best.  Peter reminds us that trials come so that our faith may be proved genuine.  They come so that we might grow, might mature, and bring praise, glory, and honor to our Lord.

When parents “fix everything” for their children, the children never mature. They become adults unable to cope with life.  It is like giving candy to a child every night for dinner instead of the protein, vegetables, and fruits they need to grow up physically healthy.

Still, my heart wants to fix things for people in “various trials.”  And part of me wonders if that is not the desire of God’s heart also, except that He has the wisdom and knowledge to do otherwise.  He understands the greater good that comes when we come through trials stronger and victorious.

I know from looking at my own life, the trials that I experienced increased and matured my faith.  I became a better person, a better child of God because of them.  Still, I remember how miserable I was in the midst of them.  So I pray for those in the midst of them now.

Father God, be with Your children who are enduring trials right now.  Strengthen them for the battle. I pray they come through these trials more devoted to You, stronger in their faith, determined to bring glory and honor and praise to Your Son.  Amen.

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