by TerryLema

A most amazing thing happened at the Prayer Summit. I wasn’t aware of it until I got home Wednesday evening. I felt good … not just “ok” … I felt good for three days in a row.

I had a bit of stiffness when I sat too long, and at times resembled one of the old Weeble dolls, but I had no aches, very little pain in my neck, and wonder of wonders, no fatigue. I walked up and down the stairs multiple times, I was up early and stayed up late for me. I didn’t have a need to nap. I’ve not had three days in a row like that since last July. It had to be a God-thing because it’s not been that way since I returned.

I must admit that last Sunday I was anxious about how I would hold up during those three days of the Summit and traveling back and forth. I anticipated and expressed my anxiety over how I would do, so much so that the church prayed for me last Sunday. And God heard.

And God answered. Except for a few digestive issues (which were my own fault because I ate things I shouldn’t have), I had no health issues.

How often I’ve read and quoted Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” [NKJV]

I’ve believed that and experienced the strength of God many times in the past. Those three days in the mountains at the Summit, however, were a new and greater experience of that verse. God overcame my “still-to-be-diagnosed” PMR and gave me strength so that I could approach His throne in grace and mercy in prayer.

What a wonderful LORD we serve, bless His Holy Name. Amen.

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