I Am Loved!

by TerryLema

I am blessed. Blessed beyond my ability to comprehend at times. I have found there is a big difference between being blessed and life being easy. Too often we equate God’s blessings with escape from the difficulties of life, or always getting every little thing we might need or want.  That has never been the case for me.

Growing up was a difficult experience, yet still had its share of joys. My teen years were full of rebellion, yet God kept me from harm. Married early, three children, financial difficulties, and God through all those things brought supernatural healing for a child, led me to salvation, and gave me a hope that transcended every grievous trial.

We built the house of our dreams and lost the house of our dreams. We found a church we loved that loved us back. Recession moved us away from that church to another state. And as I look back, God led each step of the way.

There have been joys and griefs, delights and discouragements. Through it all I have learned that God loves me. He loves me. Me! That unhappy, rebellious, short-tempered, impatient person, AKA me, is loved by the Everlasting, Infinite, Almighty God. He has walked with me in the joys and in the griefs. I know His presence in the delights and discouragements. He loves me.

That is blessing—not that I might have avoided all the dark trials and circumstance, but that He has been the light amid every one of them. Thank you, Lord.

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