I received an email offer for 3 free printable charts showing 30 names of God. The charts were to have the original language, pronunciation, Scripture reference, meaning, etc. All I had to do was go to the website to download them. Well, first I had to input my email. I knew doing that would get me on another email address list and I’d start receiving more “offers” in my inbox. The idea of the charts was still interesting, so I input my email. Then I needed to check a box indicating, “I’m not a robot.”
I’ve been seeing these “I’m not a robot” boxes on all kinds of websites. I am sure it has something to do with viruses and filtering out things the website doesn’t want to acquire, but this morning I thought that box hilarious. I kept thinking about why a robot would want 3 free printable charts showing 30 names of God. Not being a robot, I checked the box and received my free charts.
I am not a robot. I am a child of God. I don’t think God is into robots. He created us with such variety in our appearance, talents, and abilities. We have different motivations and personalities. No two of us are alike., We are all unique – just like everyone else.
He gave us free will. That free will allows us to choose even whether or not we will embrace Him as Creator God, Savior and LORD. He is willing to allow us to stand by our free-will choices, even if that means rejecting Him and choosing to spend eternity separated from Him.
No, we are not robots. God made sure of that. But it is our choice if we will be a child of God. We are the only ones that can make sure of that. He’s provided Jesus, “The Way, the Truth, and the Life” … and gave us the free will to “come to the Father” through Him. [John 14:6]
I am not a robot. I used my free-will to choose to be a child of God.