How Many Favorites?

by TerryLema

I noticed that I often use the phrase, “one of my favorites” when I am writing about a passage of Scripture. As I started to write that this morning, I began to laugh as I wondered, “how many favorites can I have?”

When reading my Bible, it seems I have many favorites.  Maybe a favorite is simply one that speaks to my spirit at the time. So, as I was reading “one of my favorites” this morning ….

That favorite is found in 2 Chronicles 20. King Jehoshaphat of Judah found himself in a difficult situation when a group of enemies (Moabites, Ammonites and Meunites) came to do battle with him.  Jehoshaphat was afraid, but he resolved to seek the LORD. [vs 3]

When he and the nation finished praying, the LORD sent a promise through a Levite, Jahaziel.  “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” [vs 15 HCSB]

The next morning Jehoshaphat and the people got up early and went out where the battle would be fought. All that seems pretty normal for Judah until you get to verse 21. That is where the “one of my favorites” enters. Jehoshaphat appointed some to sing for the LORD and some to praise the splendor of His holiness. In other words, the king formed a choir—then sent the choir out in front of the army What general sends a choir into battle first?

The choir sang, “Give thanks to the LORD, for His faithful love endures forever,” and the moment they began their shouts and praises, the LORD set an ambush against the opposition and they were defeated.” [vs 22]

I do not know what battles you are facing or will face. I do know that in the midst of any battle, it would be well to remember “one of my favorites” and face the battle with shouts of thanksgiving and praise to the LORD.  Remember, “the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

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