Matthew Chapter 26 begins with three events, a conspiracy, an anointing, and a betrayal.
The chief priests and Jewish elders met with the High Priest on Tuesday following the triumphal entry. They were worried about the popularity of Jesus. Together they formed a conspiracy to arrest Jesus “in a treacherous way and kill Him.” [vs 5 HCSB]
They decided to wait a while, afraid to arrest Him during the Passover festival. They were afraid the people would riot in defense of this One who had recently been proclaimed “the Son of David,” the blessed One who “comes in the name of the LORD.” [21:9]
While the chief priests, elders and High Priest were conspiring to murder Jesus, one of the most beautiful and compassionate events in the life of Jesus was taking place, His anointing in the house of Simon the Leper. [vs6-13]
Almost always people came to Jesus with an underlying motive. Some had a need. Some begged for healing. Some peppered Him with questions. Others confronted Him, arguing and hoping to catch Him saying something they could use against Him. Even His own disciples had their eyes on a kingdom and argued who would be greatest there.
This woman came to minister to Him. She brought an alabaster jar of very expensive fragrant oil. She anointed His head. She asked nothing in return. When others around Him became indignant in what they considered a waste. Jesus said, “she has prepared Me for burial,” and told them the world would remember what she did for Him.
For Him. She gave what she had for Him.