A few years ago I was floundering spiritually. Not in the sense that I was in danger of falling away, but I was physically tired, emotionally drained, and wondering where things were going with the church.
I received an invitation to a pastors’ prayer summit, but when I inquired about going, it was an event that did not welcome women pastors. (Because of some delightful young pastors, that restriction was lifted, and women were able to attend the following year.)
But that year I knew I needed to do something. I decided to do my own prayer summit, found a local hotel, and tucked myself away for four days. I prayed, and I prayed, and I prayed. I read my Bible, studied, tried to quiet my spirit before the LORD and got … nothing. Nothing for three days.
Then on the fourth day, the Holy Spirit took me to Revelation Chapter 3, and as I read, my heart quickened on -the message to the Philadelphia church. [vs 7-13]
Two phrases in that passage ministered to my soul – Verse 8 “you have limited strength,” and verse 9 “Hold on to what you have.”
It wasn’t a grand message, but it was a quiet reaffirmation. First, I came away knowing that God understood my physical limitations (since this was right after my auto-immune diagnosis). Second, I came away reassured that I was to “hold on” at The Way.
I had no idea what “holding on” would create. But every Sunday when I walk into Christian Faith Center Middleton, I am blessing knowing that sometimes just “holding on” is a foundation stone in God’s plan!