by TerryLema

John 20:19-22 tells us of that Sunday evening when Jesus first appeared to His disciples. They were behind locked doors out of fear that those who had come for Jesus would now come for them.  They were without hope (even though that morning the women had told them the tomb was empty). They were mourning, grieving the loss of not just their master, their teacher, their friend, but also their own dreams and futures.

Then Jesus appeared among them. When He appeared He brought them PEACE and His PRESENCE. “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’” [vv 19-20]

They had all failed their LORD, deserted Him in His darkest hour. They were guilty and they knew it. Even if He were alive as the women had attested, how could He forgive them? They had fallen asleep when He asked them to stay awake. They ran away and left Him alone.

Now He sought them out. And He came with PEACE – not a greeting but true peace, unlike that of the world. His PRESENCE was with them and by His very PRESENCE He confirmed His forgiveness of them.

What do we need more than anything? We need His PEACE, and we need His PRESENCE with us.


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