
by TerryLema

Hebrews 11 is called the “Heroes of Faith” chapter in Scripture. It lists a number of Biblical heroes, some of them well known, some of them a bit more obscure.  I was reminded recently about heroes that are all around us – ones that we only notice on occasion.

We had a horribly windy day recently, a steady wind around 35 MPH with guests up to 55 MPH. A home around the corner from us caught fire. It appears that the fire started in the garage or attic. Our neighbor across the street and his friend were driving by and stopped to help before the fire department got there. The house had recently been up for sale and a new family had just moved in.

A man who lived on the same street began helping a woman and her children evacuate the downwind house next door threatened by the flames.

Our neighbor and his friend went to the front door of the house on fire and pounded on the door. They could hear voices, but no one came to the door. They kept pounding and shouting. Finally, they kicked in the door and found a teenager and four younger siblings. Their mom was at work. They got them out safely, and then our neighbor went back into the house to rescue their dog.

A single mom and five children had just moved in. The house is a total loss. But the work of these three men possibly saved the lives of two families.

Everyday heroes are just people in the right place at the right time doing what is right. I believe God put these three men, men not working in the middle of the day, in the right place at the right time. And they did what was right.

Look around. I bet you can find everyday heroes all around you! Thank you, LORD!

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