
by TerryLema

Have you ever been heartbroken? The dictionary defines heartbroken as suffering from overwhelming distress, being very upset. Synonyms are anguished, devastated, inconsolable, crushed, shattered, miserable, sad, dejected, just to name a few. There are more.

I am sure that most of us could grab one of those synonyms and say, “That’s me!”

I have been broken hearted a few times in life. When we left our baby in the ICU on her first birthday with a hot bacteria. When I left our 17 years old son in California for his senior year as Bob and I moved to Idaho. When my dad died. When we lost the home that we built and had to move into rentals. When my body was overcome with two auto-immune diseases and my strength disappeared. There have been many other times when life has left me distressed, miserable, sad, or dejected.

And yet I am not a distressed, miserable, sad, or dejected person. Why? Because God’s favor lasts a lifetime. As God’s child, “weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning.” [Psalm 30:5 HCSB]

Our God can take the harshest of days and make them bright. He can turn the bleakest of trials and circumstance into something for our good. [Romans 8:28]

As the writer of Psalm 30 puts it, “You turned my lament into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, so that I can sing to You and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise You forever.” [Psalm 30:11-12 HCSB]

Thank you, LORD. Today I will focus not on the lament or sackcloth but on the dancing and gladness. I will sing my praise to You forever. I will not be silent. Amen

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