He Who Honors God

by TerryLema

Saturday, I watched “Chariots of Fire” for probably the 10th time. There are a few scenes and quotes in the movie which touch my heart. Perhaps the most famous and the one I really like is the one toward the end of the movie, the one sub-titled, “Honors God.”

Eric Liddell, Scottish missionary, was a sprinter who ran in the Olympics before returning to his mission in China. When he found out that the trials for his race were on a Sunday, he refused to run. He lived the commandment to “keep holy the Sabbath.” Through the kindness of a teammate, he was given the opportunity to run in a distance race, a race he had never run before. Just before the race, an American runner, also a Christian, handed him a note with a quote from the Old Testament, He who honors God, God will honor.” [1 Samuel 2:30]

Of course, Eric Liddell wins the race and walks away with the gold. One of Liddell’s quotes is repeated in the movie as he runs this race.  “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast! And when I run I feel his pleasure.”

Eric Liddell’s sister Jenny, and the man who handed him the Scripture before the race, Jackson Schultz, were key contributors to the movie “Chariots of Fire.” I read that it was difficult for the actor portraying Liddell to run the way he did, head back facing the sky, smiling, arms churning. To run that way is counter-intuitive. I think, however, for Liddell, to run that way is a testimony to the pleasure he knew from God.

May we all run that way, head back facing the heavens, smiling, arms churning through the air, sensing God’s purpose and pleasure. Amen.


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