Happy is That Person

by TerryLema

I have to clean the shower again. If there is a job I hate, it is cleaning the shower. Our house was built in 2003, we bought it in 2007. In those four years whoever owned the house before us destroyed the master bath shower. I fought to keep it clean. Finally, after struggling for years, we had the shower replaced. I have tried to keep it in mint condition, but the only way to do that is not to use it. That is not an option. So now I struggle once again to keep the shower clean.

Nothing stays the same. Things are either progressing forward, or they are moving backwards. My shower is moving backwards. My spirit, however, is moving forward.

I love Psalm 1. It shows us both spiritual progression and spiritual decline. And it tells us where true happiness is found.

Spiritual decline is seen in verse 1. First step backward, “follow[ing] the advice of the wicked.” Second step backward, “take[ing] the path of sinners.” Third step backward, “join[ing] a group of mockers!” [HCSB]

Spiritual progression is seen in verses 2-3: It begins with “delight[ing] in the LORD’s instruction.” That leads to “meditate[ing] on it day and night.” Then those who delight in the LORD’s instruction become like “a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither.”

Finally, spiritual progression results in “whatever he does prospers.”

AND Happy is that person!

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