Guided by the Spirit

by TerryLema

Have you ever thought of what you might miss if you did not follow the leading of the Spirit of God?

When Joseph and Mary took Jesus to the temple to be dedicated as the law prescribed, they were met by a man named Simeon. He is described as righteous and devout. We are not told how old Simeon was, although it is assumed that he was an aged person because of his words that, having seen the infant Jesus, he was now ready to die.

As I was reading the account in Luke 2, I noticed something I had not really paid attention to before. “Guided by the Spirit, [Simeon] entered the temple complex. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform for Him what was customary under the law, Simeon took Him up in his arms, praised God, and said.…” [Luke 2:27-28 HCSB]

“Guided by the Spirit Simeon entered the temple complex.”

Everything that happened after that, the prophetic word uttered by Simeon, the blessing of the child, the word to Mary, everything hinged on Simeon being “guided by the Spirit” to enter the temple at that exact time.

I am sure God had a plan for what might happen had Simeon ignored the Spirit’s guidance, but what would Simeon have missed had he not responded to the Spirit?

That made me wonder what we miss when we ignore the Spirit. How many blessings do we leave unreceived because we just did not go where the Spirit told us to go, or do what the Spirit directed?

Holy Spirit, give us ears to hear Your voice. Amen.


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