Grunt Work

by TerryLema

I volunteered for a bit of what might be called “grunt work” for The Way Middleton.  “Grunt work” is defined as jobs that either lack glamour and prestige or are boring and repetitive. The Pastor and the Worship Leader needed all their worship and praise music entered into a new online program. It means moving a lot of songs from a Word document into the site.

Neither Pastor Laura nor Doug had the extra time to get it done so I volunteered.  I figured I have plenty of time, am semi-computer literate, and to be honest, I am a bit bored. Doug put all the music on a flash drive and gave it to me at church so I could get started.

I started about a week or so ago.  After a few problems figuring out things on the online program, I started entering music, words with guitar chords. I soon discovered this project is anything but boring! As I type the words and chords into the program, I sing the songs in my mind and in my heart and I am blessed! Sometimes I see something that simply makes me stop and think or stop and worship.

I was entering the song, “At the Cross, Your Love Ran Red,” by Chris Tomlin. As I came to the chorus I had to stop and think about what it meant to me.  “At the cross …. Where Your love ran red and my sins washed white …. I owe all to You, Jesus.”

The blackness of my sins and all the stains they left on my soul were made white by the blood of Christ Jesus. His blood “ran red” down that cross and washed me white as snow.  I do owe it all to Him.

“But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” [1 John 1:7 HCSB]

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