Ps 145:3-5: “Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works.” [NIV]
Psalm 145 is a praise song of David. It seemed fitting to me that we should read this song today and do what it says in verse 5 … meditate on God’s wonderful works.
Is the church what she should be? No. But making no excuses, I will remind us that the church has often not been what she should be. And still, God. God has fought for her attention and has cured her over and over of her sin. He has provided the rain of His Spirit when she was dry. He has blanketed her in a spirit of holiness when she was devoured by the world. He has overpowered her sin and arrogance with His love and grace, drawing her to a time of repentance. We call that revival.
I agree with David, no one can fully fathom God’s greatness. We simply experience it, and commend it to others.
What will you meditate on today? We can focus on all that is wrong, and there is plenty of that to fill our thoughts. Or, we can focus on the greatness of the LORD. We can speak to others of His mighty acts and spread the praiseworthiness of our God. I choose today to do the latter. My God is able … My God has a purpose … My God, my God, is glorious in majesty and has all power. My God will fulfill His purpose for His church. On that I rest my hope.
Thank you, Father, that You have called us for Your purpose. Amen.