There is one last thought from Titus that I want to focus on this morning. It closes out the paragraph that began in chapter 2:11. That last thought is “He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for Himself a people for His own possession, eager to do good works.” [2:14 HCSB]
Over the last couple days, we have seen that grace appeared (epiphainó) and was clearly shown in Christ Jesus. Grace instructs us so that we might develop Christ-like character. Grace strengthens us to wait for the return of Christ Jesus.
Christ redeemed and cleansed us for His own possession. He made us children of God, no longer bound by the chains of sin and fear of death. And while that is wonderful, it is not the end, but the beginning. The grace that Christ Jesus brought to us also gives us a purpose and zeal. The purpose is good works. The zeal is the eagerness to do them.
Eager. I like that word. One definition I read resonated with me … “waiting with bated breath.”
I remember waiting with bated breath for a bike for Christmas when I was eight. I did not think I would get it because it was not my year to get the “big” gift, it was my brother’s. I was pretty sure I would get a doll instead, but still I was eager for Christmas. My brother got a bike but hidden behind the tree was a big surprise. Somehow my parents found the money to get a bike for me also.
I also remember waiting with bated breath to get married, to turn 21, and for the birth of each of my children. I remember many times in life I have waited with bated breath.
Paul reminds us that now, as God’s precious children, we are to be eager – waiting with bated breath – for the next thing He asks of us.
Oh, LORD, give us that child-like eagerness to do Your good works. Amen and Amen.