Got the Miracle; Lost the Promise

by TerryLema

Numbers 20:12:  “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.” 

Numbers 20 is a sad chapter in Israel’s history.  The beginning of the chapter speaks of the death of Miriam, Moses’ sister; and the end speaks of the death of Aaron, Moses’ brother.  In the middle we find the death of promise.

The people had arrived at Kadesh in the Desert of Zin.  There was no water, so they did what they always did, they quarreled with Moses.  “Why did you bring us out into this desert to die,” they said.  Moses and Aaron turned from the people and went to the Tent of Meeting falling on their faces before the LORD.

Suddenly the glory of the LORD appeared to Moses and Aaron and God instructed them to gather the assembly and speak to the rock.  God promised to bring water out of the rock.  But Moses was frustrated and angry and instead of simply speaking to the rock, he struck it with his staff as he shouted at the people, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?”  [v10]

God was not pleased.  Moses and Aaron had failed to obey the word of the Lord, they had failed to honor God as holy in the sight of the Israelites.  He then told Moses and Aaron that they would not lead the people into the Promised Land and would die within sight of it.

Moses got the miracle but lost the promise. I cannot think of anything sadder, to gain what we are seeking in the now and lose the promise of the future.  God honored the people’s need and brought water from the rock.  But because Moses failed to do it God’s way, he missed the Promised Land.  Even though he would beg God to change His mind, God did not grant that request and Moses died just shy of the border of Canaan.

What a warning to all of us. It isn’t enough to just do it¸ we need to make sure we are doing it His way. 


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