Got My Attention!

by TerryLema

I remember from my English composition classes in school that when you begin a written work, whether a book, or poem, or short story, you need to grab people’s attention in the very beginning. You cannot wait until the middle of the piece for it to be interesting, most people don’t have that kind of attention span.

Paul must have had the same instruction because he really knows how to begin his letters. Ephesians is a prime example of that. After the salutation where he identifies himself and the people to whom the letter is being sent and offers a short greeting of grace and peace, “BAM!” he grabs our attention.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” [v 3]

Our God has blessed us (past tense). It’s a done deal.
His blessings are spiritual blessings. They are spiritual, which means they are supernatural. They are blessings, which mean they are bountiful.
He has blessed us with every blessing. There are no blessings withheld … we have them all!
They are reserved for us in the heavenlies where they are safely guarded in Christ. Nothing can destroy or steal them away from us. They are ours!

Yep, Paul got my attention this morning. Makes you want to read the rest of the letter, doesn’t it!

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