Got a Mountain?

by TerryLema

Got a mountain in your life that never seems to move? One that always seems to accompany you wherever you go? Maybe it’s an emotional mountain, one such as anger, pride, jealousy, lust, negativism, pessimism, anxiety, bitterness, apathy, entitlement, or greed. Maybe your mountain is more tangible such as drugs, pornography or materialism.

These mountains are strongholds, fortresses that the enemy builds to try to secure his rule over us. Paul promised us in 2Corinthians 10:4 that God gives us weapons to combat these strongholds. We can use these weapons to “tear down our strongholds.”

Zechariah reminded us that we can’t do it in our own power, it is not by earthly might, nor by self-power, but by the Spirit of God that mountains in our lives will be become level ground. When the stronghold is destroyed, God will bring out a finishing stone, a capstone. God will bring out that stone with shouts of Grace, grace to it!” [Zechariah 4:7 NKJV]

I am a preacher of “grace, grace to it!” I love the grace of God. Some people mistakenly believe that grace simply lets us off the hook and we can then keep on doing the same old things. But grace, God’s grace is the power to change our lives so we don’t “end up on another hook!” Or even , God forbid, “the same hook again!”

Grace begins our walk, grace is the power to continue our walk worthy of God’s calling, and one day as we stand before our Precious LORD, grace will put the finishing touches on our lives. There will be shouts of “Grace, grace to it!” reverberating through heaven for all eternity! Hallelujah!

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