If the only place you look for news is from the media, you will seldom find Good News. Yet, Good News abounds! You just have to know where to look! Psalm 47:8 declares “God reigns above the nations, sitting on His holy throne.” Can you get better news than that?
If there was ever a time when we need Good News(!) to strengthen each other and be mutually fortified by each other’s faith – it is now. Christians should be encouraging each other and reminding everyone that there is Good News(!) that overpowers the bad news.
Man may choose to ignore God’s eternal power and divine nature, but that doesn’t change God one iota. And now amid the bad news, when people’s hearts are fearful, now is the perfect time to once again remind them that God is still on the throne!
Are we struggling? You bet! And God is still on the throne. Are we having a hard time making ends meet? Sure! And God is still on the throne. Could we lose it all? Yep! And God is still on the throne.
Now is the time for that to sink into our own hearts and minds. Circumstances are tough for everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike; but unlike the rest of the world, the Christian knows just Who really is in charge. God is still on throne.
That should make you smile. That should encourage your faith. And I guarantee if you smile, someone is going to ask you what you have that makes you smile. Be prepared to answer …