Good News

by TerryLema

I was reading an online article by the Idaho Stateman on food prices for 2023. It began with “Looking ahead, there is good news and bad news for 2023.”

Then it told us both the good news and the bad news. “The good news: Food prices are expected to grow more slowly in 2023 than in 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The bad news: Food prices are still expected to rise above historical average rates in 2023. The Department of Agriculture expects food prices to increase by 7.9% by the end of the year.”

I do not think the good news is all that good. The bottom line is food prices are still rising. I knew that just from watching the cost of my typical grocery order. And while we did get a social security increase, it did not cover what we lost over the past year. And if we get another one next year, it likely won’t cover what we lose this year.

The world has far more bad news than good. And that has always been so. But God … don’t you just love all the “But God” thoughts in Scripture! … But God has always had Good News.

When Adam and Eve blew it in the garden and brought sin and death into the human race, God provided a covering for them.

When God called Abraham’s people out of Egypt and made them into a great nation, God provided that nation with the sacrificial system to cover sin so that they could maintain their relationship with Him.

And then, the highest “But God” came to all when He sent His Son to die for us. “But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” [Romans 5:8 HCSB My favorite “But God” Scripture!]

And the greatest irony of all? … that Good News came to us while we were still His enemies!

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