Good Friday

by TerryLema

The Friday of Holy Week is the most intense day of all. On that Friday long ago, Jesus was tried before Pilate, tortured, crucified, died, and was buried. [You can read the events beginning in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 18]

It is tough for me to read through the Gospel accounts of that time between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday. I know how it turns out … still reading about what my Savior and LORD endured is difficult.

Why do I find it so hard?  Because of two little words found in the letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians.

He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” [2 Corinthians 5:21 HCSB]

Do you see those two little words right in the middle of that verse?  Jesus suffered all “for us.”

When I read that verse, I often substitute “for me” in the place of “for us.”

“For me” makes it personal. It reaches into the depths of my heart and pierces any arrogance or pride that resides there. It makes me stop and wonder why Jesus would do that, why He would suffer that way, for “such a worm as I.”

I may never be able to answer that question, but I embrace His sacrifice and find peace in my soul.

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