God’s “Usual”

by TerryLema

The hoopla of the holiday season is behind us. Most of football is also behind us with just a few championship games in the next few weeks. (In case I haven’t mentioned it, I love football.) January begins with a bang but ends much differently. Winter is setting in across the nation. Routine will be the theme of the next months.

Some will make resolutions; some might even keep them. At least for a while. We’ll go back to work, possibly lamenting the extra money we spent (or the extra pounds we gained). All the flashy sales are over; the great deals are gone. It’s back to “usual.”

Our “usual” might be health issues that we still must deal with, or problems in relationships. Maybe we’re still out of work or working but unable to keep up with our increasing economy. Maybe we’re struggling in school, or with addictions or with home situations that are volatile or dangerous.

Our “usual” might seem more than we can handle. If that is so, we need to remember God’s “usual.”

God is in His “usual” place, on the throne. He has not, will not, cannot abdicate His glorious LORD-ship. He is, “God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.” [1 Tim 6:15-16]

Nor will God ignore the plight of His people. How many times do we read the pronouncement in the New Testament? “Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” [2Thess 1:2]

So today, as we contemplate our “usual” in the new year before us – let’s never forget that God’s “usual” is always ours and that it trumps any and all difficulties and problems we might face. Blessed be His Holy Name.

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