Never forget – never ever forget – God loves you!
I remember my former pastor always said it was easier to get people to love God than it was to get people to allow God to love them.
None of us think we are worthy of God’s love. (None of us are!)
Most of us think we can do something to make God’s stop loving us. (We can’t!)
God is love. Love is the core aspect of God’s character, His Person. God is the perfect example of true love. God is also all-powerful – there is nothing in or out of all creation that is more powerful than our God.
If anything (we do) could change God’s love for us – that would mean it is stronger than our all-powerful God. And if anything ever changes His character, His Person, then He would cease to be God.
While we cannot make God stop loving us – we can please or displease Him.
We need to live our lives in a way that pleases God. Always aware how much God loves us.
“Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God.” [1Thessalonians 4:1 NLT]