God Loves Me

by TerryLema

I was sitting in my rocker in my living room the other morning. Bob was off doing some banking and other errands. The house was quiet. I was thanking God for a good report from my bone scan. In spite of being almost 75 and spending nearly 2 years on Prednisone, my bones are “very strong” according to the scan. That is a marvelous blessing.

As I sat there thinking about what I’ll be “doing” next year after The Way, my God reminded me that He loves me for who I am, not what I do.

Who I am?  I am His child.

John 1:12: “But to all who did receive Him, [Christ Jesus] gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name.” [HCSB]

Because I believe in His name and have received the salvation He offered, Christ Jesus has given me the “right” to be God’s child. The word John used for “right” is exousia, which means power to act, or authority.

I heard that word described once in relation to the Greek word for power, dunamis. The speaker said that when a bank robber with a gun meets a police officer with a gun, both have power (dunamis), but only one has authority (exousia) to use that power. The police offer has been given the authority by right of the one he represents. His badge symbolizes that exousia.

I have been given the authority by right of the one I serve, Christ Jesus. I am a child of God, not because I claim to be, but because He says I am.

As I sat in my rocker, taking all this in, I knew that I knew that I knew I am His child. And that He loves me, not because of what I can do, but simply because I am His.

“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” [Romans 8:16 HCSB]

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