
by TerryLema

I am going to physical therapy. My doctor thought it might help my mobility after years dealing with PMR. She also suspected I have lumbar stenosis since I have cervical stenosis. Spinal stenosis is where the spinal column narrows and puts pressure on the spinal cord. I also have degenerative discs in my neck. To sweeten the pot, the physical therapist also thinks I have an arthritic left hip.

My goal with physical therapy is to be able to walk inside the house without the cane, walk a mile outside (I’m at .6 miles), stand and greet at church, and be able to stand for an entire song service to worship my LORD.

The physical therapist took me through a few exercises, then printed them out so I could follow them at home. The next day I read the sheets. The first four words on each sheet were “Lying on the floor ….”

What? I haven’t been on the floor except by accident for four years! Well, I really want to achieve my goals, so I got on the floor. Getting up when I finished was an entire other experience. This is going from bad to worse. (The spare bedroom firm mattress is now my “floor.”)

As I thought about all the fun I am having growing old in a body that is deteriorating, I heard the LORD remind me that while this old body is going from bad to worse, the “true me” is being transformed from “glory to glory.”

“We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.” [2 Corinthians 3:18 HCSB]

Transformed into the “same image!” That is an incredible promise of God. My earthly image is crumbling but as I fix my eyes on Jesus, as I seek Him above all things, I am being transformed into His image. From glory to glory.

Thank you, LORD, for the promise that one day I shall leave this old image here on earth and reflect Your glory forevermore! Amen

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