I was reading 1 Peter Chapter 1 recently and came to the beginning of verse 6. In the NLT it reads, “so be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead ….”
I love that! Of course, the remainder of that verse reads, “even though you must endure many trials for a little while.”
Peter explains that trials have a purpose and that is to show that our faith is genuine. He also reminds us that when our faith remains strong through the many trials of life, it will bring us much praise and glory and honor when “Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” [vs7]
So often trials dominate our lives. It is easy to become focused on the trials because that is what we see daily. They are right in our face demanding our attention. If only we could shake ourselves free from the difficulties of life, we could be truly happy!
Peter, however, makes the bold statement that it is what we DO NOT SEE that is the most important thing. “You love [Christ Jesus] even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.” [vs8]
It is not the elimination of trials that sets us free to rejoice with “glorious, inexpressible joy.” It is focusing the eyes of our soul on Christ Jesus our LORD that floods us with true joy.
There will be trials in this life, but trials have an expiration date. Once this life is over, trials will be forever gone.
That “glorious, inexpressible joy” found in Christ Jesus has no expiration date – it will forever be ours. Amen