Give Me Zeal!

by TerryLema

I want to make a difference in this world. I want to see lives made new through Jesus Christ. I want to see our nation return to the Judeo-Christian beliefs which helped form it in its early development. I want to see my grandchildren and their children inherit a nation and culture that is alive and well, not weak and dying.

In my lifetime I want to hear just once what was shouted in Thessalonica when Paul and his fellow missionaries arrived on the scene and began to preach the truth of Christ Jesus, crucified, died, resurrected, and ascended to the right hand of the Father. “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” [Acts 17:6 NKJV]

If that isn’t what we are striving for, then what is? What are we spending our energy on? Our Time? Our Money?

When Paul set out on his missionary trips he had one goal, to preach Christ Jesus and share the Gospel with the known world. It did not matter the hardships or opposition. It did not matter if he was free or in prison. He preached and lived Jesus. And in one generation, through his work and that of his contemporaries, the world was turned upside down forever.

I want that kind of zeal in me…now…at 77 years of age…living on social security. I may not be able to turn the whole world upside down (or right side up!), but I can make a difference in every life that crosses my path if I’m willing.  I invite you to join me. None of us are too young or too old, too rich or too poor that we can’t all make a difference.

Father, give me the wisdom and zeal of those early disciples of Christ who looked upon this world as a harvest field for Your glory! Amen.

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