Give Me Children

by TerryLema

I am tired this morning. Physically and emotionally tired certainly, any auto-immune disease will do that. I think that I am also a little tired spiritually.

My spiritual tiredness is not from any problems in my relationship with my LORD and Savior. He and I are on good terms. I love Him with all my heart. I try to worship and praise Him with abandon every opportunity presented. I sense His presence with me and His love for me. They flood my soul often.

I’ve tried to find the source of my spiritual “tiredness” by both praying about it and thinking a great deal about it. (Faith and prayer do not eliminate critical thought; they encompass it and conform it to God’s Word.)

I think I am feeling a bit like Rachel. Rachel was the love of Jacob’s life. He worked seven years for her hand in marriage, only to be deceived by her father, Laban, who gave Rachel’s older sister Leah to Jacob instead. Agreeing to another seven years with Laban, Jacob and Rachel were finally wed. The only problem, Leah was the one bearing children and Rachel was barren. Lamenting her barrenness, Rachel cried out, “Give me children, or I’ll die!” [Gen 30:1 NIV]

I love The Way Church and the people there are like family…closer than family. I love serving them. They are growing and seem to love being there. But … but … I wonder where the “children” are. Most of my church family have been Christians for years, they are well-grounded in Christ.

I keep asking God to open the floodgates and bring the unsaved. I keep asking for more “children” and I keep praying for salvations. And I seem to be growing a bit spiritually tired in what is proving to be a long wait.

Oh Father, Give me children! Amen.

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