I was talking to someone who mentioned that they didn’t think very much of the concept of “Revival.” They had their reasons. I think many of us have different definitions of what “Revival” means and how it will happen.
For me, “Revival” is synonymous with the Presence of the Lord Jesus in our midst. When Jesus comes, He brings life and immortality to us. When Jesus comes into our midst death cannot abide in His presence. He is the destroyer of death. That is what Paul wrote to Timothy.
“…Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” [2 Tim 1:10 NIV]
There are many forms of death other than the physical. The progression to death goes like this: evil desires give birth to sin, sin when full grown gives birth to death. Death takes many forms, relational, financial, emotional, mental – death can and does come into many areas of our life. Sin always kills something. [James 1:13-15]
But when Jesus comes, life comes. That is revival. Give it any name you want, revival, spiritual awakening, Spirit outpouring … Resurrection life more abundantly! Jesus is here, and we are alive in His presence.
Lord, we hunger for your presence. We hunger for life! Amen.