Romans 8:18: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
This verse was the beginning of the text for last Sunday’s message. Yesterday I wrote that we must consider the sufferings of this life with a biblical perspective or we will be devastated by them. Paul considered and pondered suffering and gave us a beginning viewpoint. (Read Romans 8:18-25)
Personally, as I studied this passage I focused on one thing — that these are preset sufferings. Our future is a completely opposite view. Paul reminds us of the glory that will be revealed in us—not just the glory that will be revealed to us. Yes, we will see God in all His glory. Yes, heaven will be much more than what we can think or imagine with our finite, limited minds.
But, wonder of wonders, that glory that is seen, is also seen in us. 2 Thessalonians 2:14: He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When I look at you throughout eternity, I will see the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ in you. When you look at me, you will see His glory also. In that moment, I know that we will be able, perhaps for the first time, to know beyond all doubt that our present sufferings were not worth comparing with the glory that is revealed in us.
Father, to think that we will share the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ is beyond our ability to imagine. How can I, whose sins put your Son on the cross, share in His glory? And yet, that is what you have promised. Amazing God, what amazing love you have given us! Amen.