
by TerryLema

I cannot remember where I read it, but I recently came across a thought-provoking statement … “even our blessings have complications.”

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to write my thoughts about our LORD and our walk with Him. It gives me such pleasure to publish them daily.

I started by just emailing devotions to people who requested that. Then I was given a blessing of finances to set up a website,, where I publish daily. The third way is my Pastor Terry Lema Facebook page. It is a public page that anyone can see.

Recently, Facebook made some changes in how I add a devotion/picture. If they sent me a notice that they were doing that, I missed it. When I went out to post, it would not let me add anything. I tried everything, logging out, changing my password, using a different browser, but nothing worked. After several hours I was so frustrated I could have “spit nails!”

In the afternoon, I tried again and found a little notice that told me to go to my Meta Business Suite. (Honestly, I didn’t know I had a Meta Business Suite). There I found a new way to post my devotion and add a picture. I was still frustrated but getting less so.

Sometimes even our blessings have complications. Sometimes even our blessings leave us frustrated. So, guess what my Verse-of-the-Day was today?  “He restores my soul.” [Psalm 23:3]

Today: Thank you LORD that when I am frustrated amid so many complications in life (some even in my blessings), You come and You restore.

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