From 2017: Protected

by TerryLema

I found this devotion from 2017. Things are still about the same. We still have the birds in the trees. Bob still feeds them. But my sweet Miss Molly Magee has been gone for a few years now … I still miss that cat! I hope you find this old devotion blesses you! It blessed me this morning.

We have hundreds of little birds living in the six large cedars behind our house.  There are several different kinds.  I am not a bird expert.  What I see are little brown birds, little birds with black hoods, little birds with rosy chest feathers.  They all seem to abide quite well living in those cedars waiting for Bob to bring out breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes an evening snack.

One morning Bob slid on the ice just outside our sliding door and fell.  He wasn’t hurt, but the bird’s lunch ended up scattered across our patio right by the glass door. He had to go back and get another cup of seed for the feeder.  But it didn’t take long for those little birds to find an unexpected afternoon snack.  By then much of the seed had frozen to the ground so they had to work at it a little harder.  It also didn’t take long for Miss Molly Magee the cat to discover hundreds of birds flocking on the patio just on the other side of the glass door.

She stalked them all day.  She quietly and stealthily crept around the dining room table until she had her nose right up to the glass.  But with the glass door separating her from the birds that was as far as she could go.  The birds paid little attention to her, somehow knowing she was restrained from attacking by a barrier.  Miss Molly could see but not touch.  She kept begging me to open the door, but I never did.

Watching this reminded me of how the enemy of our soul can see, but he cannot truly harm us.  Sometimes he will frighten us by beating on that door, rattling it, making noise, but still he cannot destroy.  God is our refuge; we abide in Him.  We may lose everything in this life, including our life, still the enemy cannot have us.  We sit safely, eternally, in the shelter of the Most High. [Psalm 7, Psalm 91]

Deuteronomy 33:27:  The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemy before you, saying, ‘Destroy him!’ [NIV]


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