
by TerryLema

When David was old and advanced in years (as the Scriptures record in the closing chapters of 1Chronicles), he set out preparations for the Temple of the LORD that Solomon would build. He made plans and accumulated much of the materials that would be used.

He also set up the Divisions of the Levites and Priests. He named those who would be musicians, gatekeepers, treasurers, and other officials. Just before the Scriptures record his commission to Solomon, David lists those closest to him.

“Ahithophel was the king’s counselor. Hushai the Archite was the king’s friend.” [1 Chronicles 27:33 HCSB]

Most of us know little about Hushai the Archite except that through it all, he remained loyal to David. When Absalom, David’s son attempted to grab the kingdom for himself, it was the counsel of Hushai to the usurper Absalom that saved the kingdom for David. [2 Samuel 16-17]

As I came across Hushai’s name in those final chapters of 1Chronicles, and read David’s description of him, I was reminded of something Jesus said to His own.

“I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from My Father.” [John 15:15 HCSB]

To be a friend of the king. I cannot imagine anything more precious or breathtaking. I thought of that Book of Life, when the names of the redeemed are read, that perhaps beside each name will be written, “the king’s friend.”


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