Memories are a good thing, unless you can’t forget.
I have memories, good memories, of people I love who are no longer with me. They have gone before me into the presence of our LORD. I remember my Aunt Julie and her kind and compassionate way of drawing me toward salvation. I remember my friend, Nella, who would pat my cheeks and call me “Sweetie.” I remember my pastor and mentor who taught me about the love of God. Good memories. They make me smile, sometimes bring tears, but always refresh my soul.
Then there are other kinds of memories, memories I should forget, but often can’t. These are the memories of hurts, disappointments, pain inflicted by others. These are the memories, when they are resurrected, that once again try to bind me to the pain and anger.
I was reading an interview by a young woman whose father—that she adored—was disrespected by someone. Her pain over his death was palpable, but even more her anger was vivid and alive. She commented that she would never forgive the wrong committed. I felt such sorrow for her because I understand that if you can’t forgive, you will be bound to that wrong and its pain forever.
Paul reminds us that, as Christians, we are to “be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” [Eph 4:32]
Forgiveness releases us and sets us free from the bondage of bitterness and hurts, but, the one thing I’ve also learned is that the enemy of our soul doesn’t want us free. He brings back those memories, the difficult ones, of betrayal, rejection, offenses, to entrap us once again in unforgiveness. Forgiveness is a life-long process. We must learn to reject the memories that seek to return us to bitterness. We must forgive the offender, even if we need to do it again and again. It’s the only way to maintain our liberty.
“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.’” [Matt 18:21-22]