Forgetting the Basics?

by TerryLema

It is football season. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard a losing coach say, “we need to get back to the basics.”

Back to basics. For football players that means relearning how to tackle or catch the ball or block or throw or kick.

For believers, it often means remembering what we were before Christ and what we are now in Christ.

I often repeat myself. I often remind people about those basic principles of Christianity. It seems I talk about the same things, things like grace and forgiveness and God’s presence with us. I often mention that we are children of God, that we have a marvelous eternity ahead in the presence and glory of God. Basic things.

I wonder why people read what I write. Why don’t they get tired of me saying things I have said before. You know, those basic things.

Then I realized, I too need to go back to the basic things now and again. The deeper I explore my relationship with God, the more wonders I find in those basic things. The more I search the heart of God, the greater those basic things become.

Christ died for me. He is my Living Hope. I am a child of God. His Presence is with me always. I am indwelt by the very Spirit of the Living God. Forgiveness is mine. There is glory to come. My eternity and my inheritance are set. My treasure is safe with Him. Basic Things. Glorious Things.

Thank you, LORD. I remember. I am Yours. Jesus loves me this I know. Amen


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