This was a difficult week. I had so much on my plate to do this week and as of Thursday, I’d gotten none of it done. The stomach “bug” stepped it, hijacked my plans and took over my life. I’ve lounged around in my PJ’s, encouraged my stomach to accept the food I offered, and watched daytime television between ubiquitous naps. My step count was almost non-existent. My mind was foggy, I seemed to be either just waking up or just nodding off. Every now and again I’d think I should get up from Bob’s big lounge chair and do something, but those kinds of thoughts faded rapidly. I guess that’s clear warning that if this devotional makes little sense, there is just cause for that.
Somewhere in all this “battle of the bug,” I began to think about holiness. In Leviticus 11 God gave Israel a list of animals, birds, creeping things, bugs, and swimming things. He defined some as “clean,” and others as “unclean.” Then He makes a remarkable command at the end of that odd chapter on what living things Israel was permitted to eat. He says, “For I am the LORD who brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.” [Lev 11:45 NKJV]
In the New Testament, Peter wrote that believers are to prepare (gird up) their minds, be sober or self-controlled. We are to set our hope fully on the grace of Jesus Christ. We are to be obedient children of God, no longer living as we did when evil desires controlled us in our ignorance. Then Peter repeats the command of Leviticus 11 regarding holiness: “but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’” [1 Peter 1:15-16 NKJV]
“Be holy, for I am holy.” That is a remarkable command. Living in the Old Testament, defilement could be acquired from exterior sources. Living in the New Testament, defilement is acquired from interior sources. Both types of defilement, however, are based in disobedience to God. Israel had the written law to define their obedience. Believers have the eternal Spirit of God dwelling within to lead and guide in all Jesus said and did.
May we always heed His voice. Amen.