Focusing on the Unseen (Part Four)

by TerryLema

Everything in God’s Creation is designed to give testimony to His eternal existence. That is why everything in the “world system” strives to grab our attention away from God and point it toward the temporary.

The world and the enemy of our soul want our attention – even our own rebellious nature wants our attention. And if we are focused on those things, we miss the things on which God wants us to concentrate.

Paul reminds us at the end of 2Corinthians 4 of the need to focus on the unseen.

“So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” [2Corinthians 4:18 HCSB]

We used to have a cat that would chase a dot of light all over the room. It would try to pounce on it on the floor, jump at it on the walls – never catching it, of course, because there was nothing there to catch!

Humans are a lot like that cat. We love the bright and shiny, the new and improved. We want the latest and greatest. Wave something glittery in our direction and we turn our heads to follow it – even though it is only a temporary spark containing nothing substantive.

God, however, wants us to focus on Him and on things of eternal nature and glory. We may not see them with earthly eyes, but our spiritual eyes behold them. They have an eternal weight of glory and will keep us throughout our life on earth.

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