I am a bundle of feelings this morning, many left over from last month and some new ones from this month already. I used to be constantly overrun by my feelings, but over the years the LORD has taught me a few things. (Still there are times when it seems my emotions have control.)
One thing I have learned is that feelings are neither good nor bad, they just are. They are common to all people. How we handle our feelings, however, is what is really important.
Another thing about feelings is that feelings are not facts and don’t always express the truth. Many times they are far from what is true.
The third thing about feelings is that they are not to lead, they are to follow. Scripture is quite clear that believers are to be led by God’s Spirit. “All those led by God’s Spirit are God’s [children.” [Romans 8:14 HCSB]
Being led by the Spirit of God is the same thing as walking with the Spirit. That is not always easy because walking with the Spirit is not simply a matter of passive surrender. It means we actively and knowingly yield to His control. We follow His lead with purpose. We allow Him to exert His influence over our decisions, our choices, our activities, our attitudes, and yes, even our emotions.
Believers do not need to pray for the Spirit’s leading, because He is already doing that. What we need is to seek for willingness and obedience to follow His leading.
So, feelings, get in line with the Spirit’s leading!